Monday, March 16, 2009

Adieu Adieu my dear OSU

This past weekend my best friends/roommates for years threw me a going away party. It was awesome to see so many people come out and show me some goodbye love, I'm truly going to miss them all. I've been thinking what its gonna be like not sharing ten thousand inside jokes with OBO (if you don't already know then you never will lol) At the same time that this is a sad time it is also one of rebirth, in eleven short days I'll be setting off on a journey of a life time, meeting new people and experiencing new adventures. The duality of the situation is an enigma that I deal with everyday. Interestingly enough for as much fun that I had this weekend I felt that it was definitely time to move on, time to save the world ;-) Over the past couple of days/weeks some of my anxiety about being a "super" minority in Kyrgyzstan have heightened but as most of you know about me, I'm defiant to the end and pretty much nothing will stop my determination to serve. One of the volunteers over there now asked me what it is that I am trying to experience during my service and at the time I didn't have an answer for him, but as this week as progressed what I want do and what I want to give have become clear. As the world becomes more connected I feel that African-Americans will need to break the media sterotype that all we can do is rap and play basketball. (trust me I never get political or whatever but this is something I feel is important to say) With Obama in office, now is the time for black people to step out of their comfort zone and prove to the world that we are more that what is portrayed on TV. Since I try to practice what I preach, my Peace Corps service is my contribution to this effort. People need to know that the United States is made up of many different types people, and last time I checked the PC has three main goals:
  1. Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.
  2. Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.
  3. Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans
I can and will serve my country in this capacity, why you ask? bc it just feels right. I'm out

p.s. I'm really glad I was able to make peace with something that had been bothering me since I left, if this person ever reads this I hope you realize I meant what I said......
oh and if your not that person then don't ask lol


  1. *sniff its me Jason. I read your ps, and i forgive you for eating the last of the stir fry that one time it was especially delicious...I love you so much *cry

  2. oh yeah Steve, that's really specific ...

