Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Fun!!!!!

Hey guys! Happy late Thanksgiving to everyone! Just a thanks to my family and friends who sent me messages on Thursday (and those who tried to), that really made my day:-) Anyways Thanksgiving in KG wasn't nearly as lonely as I thought it would be. I made the long and tedious trek to Talas oblast (10-12 hours by taxi) to spend the holiday with the volunteers up there. We had everything that you would have at Thanksgiving, Turkey (which was a miracle in itself) stuffing, pumpkin and apple pie and even cranberry sauce (purely ornamental, that stuff is disgusting lol) All in all it was a really good time. I must admit the past few weeks I was feeling lonely with the holiday and all, but now I feel much better and galvanized for work. I have decided to start a new club at the American center. Initially the club was going to be purely about sports, but the consensus is that people have a whole range of things to talk about so I'm going to name it "Club Alex" and facilitate the club through its participants. I think this will give me a good window into what the locals here are thinking, to which then I can move on to do more focused development here. Anyways these are just a few of my thoughts this week, I'm really trying to make a goal of blogging more often so you guys know whats going on here. Sometimes I forget that the normal things in my life are pretty interesting to you guys back home. Well thats it for this week :-)

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