Saturday, December 12, 2009

Talk about a rough week

So this week started off really great, then turned horrible. On Monday I moved into my new apartment which has a great location, great size (for an awesome bachelor pad lol) and most of the things a PC Kyrgyzstan volunteer could ever want: fridge, running hot water, a shower, tv, and a HUGE warm bed. The one problem, the heat is run off of electricity, little did I know how much of a pain my heating being dependant on electricity would prove.... So after I moved in I had power for maybe 12 hours until it cut off. At first I thought ok, this is KG this happens all the time no big deal. Then I went outside and saw that ALL of my neighbors had power, which meant something was wrong with MY apartment. Luckily one of my good expat buddies (and a former PC volunteer in Ukraine) helped me find the problem. One of my transformers had blown. I though no big deal right?! Wrong it took me an hour wandering through the bazaar looking for this replacement part and when I eventually found it, the lady said everyone sells these peices, I was using the wrong word in Russian. Another stroke of luck the peice only cost 25 som (50 cents) so I bought 2 and headed happily home. Once I installed the said part I had power for 12-13 warm happy hours, then my power went out....again. This time I called my landloard hoping maybe she could help me out. Well I called and she was busy so we scheduled to meet at 12.(this is Tuesday mind you just to keep the progression of this week known) Well 12 came and went and I called again and she said that she couldnt meet until 3, again I say ok and I head out to another meeting. Well once at this other meeting, the people weren't even there and I was notified that the meeting had be reschedule without my knowledge, this is after the 45 minute wait in the lobby. As I was walking out of this failed meeting in a terrible mood, guess what? A marshrutka drives by and splashes my clothes....yay, so now I'm soaking wet, miserable, and have to go home to an arctic apartment. Finally my landlady shows up at 5 with the building supervisor and fix the electricity...again. Another semi-warm night and a happy Alexandre in the morning. Now this is Wednesday morning, I have a report due to PC administration which had detailed my accomplishments as a volunteer so far in country, a VERY important document. As I set out the power goes out AGAIN, but at this point I said "well I'm leaving anyways so no biggie, I'll fix it when I get back". So I go out to complete and turn my report form in. Unfortunately of the FIVE internet cafes that I went to NONE could open the file. So I ended up downloading it and borrowing a fellow volunteer's laptop, completing it and turning it in, this took all day mind you. So exhausted and frustrated I return home to the cold and powerless apartment, I totally forgot to get another transformer peice, and by now it was too late to buy another one. Not only did I not have the part, I also had forgotten to go grocery shopping, so I went to sleep cold, hungry, miserable, and frustrated. On to Thursday morning, I fixed my electricity for the final time and went to the bazaar for food shopping. Actually this day really wasn't that bad, and yesterday was a good stress reliever because I went clubbing with my buddies. So yeah that was my horrible week, I made it through, hopefully another doesn't happen any time soon, but if I was cranky or weird this week, now you know why. Man this will make a good story if I ever have kids lol

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