Thursday, November 19, 2009

Post IST

Heyo everyone!!!! Its check-in time with your favorite volunteer in KG. :-) Most recent news..... ITS COLD HERE!!!!! Well not cold as in the like Arctic Circle but as the PCV community here puts it "its not that its cold, rather its that you never warm up", which makes me miss central heating even more. Fortunately like many of my fellow college goers, my last year at OSU we rarely has heat so I'm kinda used to sleeping under four blankets. Moving on, IST was a blast! Eventhough I was sick for most of it and the sessions were boring as sin lol Like the previous conference, I think that my counterpart got more out of it than myself. Which speaking of my counterpart and work and such, I have some sad news. A week before IST my director was fired (for undisclosed reasons) and once the new director started she fired 80% of my staff. Just as I was beginning to get comfortable with them it seems that I have lost them all. I don't blame my director for this because that's just life, she is going to bring in people she knows best, but it still breaks my heart to see my staff laid off. :-( Anyways I'm sure I have way more things to tell you but I can't think of them right now, so expect another post soon :-)

1 comment:

  1. So are you gonna get one of those funky Russian style hats? Or do they have something even cooler there?
