Wednesday, July 29, 2009


On Monday a patch of dry grass caught fire at the summer camp. As soon as my kids ran in and told me what was happening I immediately grabbed my phone to call the fire department.... only to realize that there was no fire department near by lol As I was thinking what to do next my kids (mind you I have some as young as 6) snapped into action and started putting the fire out themselves!!! They were hauling water up from the beach and using wet brooms to snuff out the embers. I was extremely proud and impressed by what my kids did in a pinch. I asked my coworkers if fires happened often and they said that it was the first fire ever at the camp. We are still mystified with the cause of the fire and I am even more surprised with how my kids knew exactly what to do, they truly are amazing:-) Interestingly enough the boys at the orphange have been caught twice for smoking (which I have an inkling feeling that a still lit cigarette butt caused the fire) and once for stealing fruit from our neighbors garden, so as much as I've been praising them they also have had some serious tongue lashings as well lol On a side note I was thinking the other day (I have tons of time just to sit and think lol) that at 22 I am very grateful to have seen and done so much at 22, Life is Good:-)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Its been a good week:-)

The past few weeks since I last blogged have been pretty sweet. I've kept busy, eating well (reletively) and am integrating into my community. As usual my orphans always keep me on my toes but this week even more so. Ususally my diet at the orphanage summer camp consist of Kasha (imagine watery cream of wheat) for breakfast and soup for lunch and dinner....EVERYDAY!!!!!! The soup is usually little more than broth and some potatoes and the Kasha gets old real fast.... Honestly though I can't complain because its free food and my orphans are eating a lot better than most kids in their situation. Anyways back to why I've been eating well this week, we've had watermelon, carrots, cabbage, tons of other veggies and rice!!!! I know these things don't mean that much to you guys back home but here they are like gold, sooooooo delicious. To add to that feast a company in Karakol donated a case of candy bars, which while very nice, it meant that my kids were bouncing off the walls all week. As for keeping busy and integrating into my community I've recently begun training in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). If you don't know what it is google it and you'll see that its pretty intense. My trainer/partner happens to be the Kyrgyzstan national champion at 80kgs so im in good hands. He says that I may be ready for a real fight in 6-7 months so im super excited! My trainer also has a break dance team so last night he invited me to watch his team perform at a local club and they are very impressive. Its really cool to have a local friend. Our communication is sometimes comical because he knows about as much English as I do Russian. (which my Russian is getting better by the day so I may have to stop using that reference) Anyways things are continuing to go smoothely here, and if you feel up to it hit me up with an email or a phone call or if ur really ambitious send a packages, any communication is appriciated:-)

Note: the picture I've posted is where I work during the summer, the camp is by the pier on the left side behind the trees, hahaha my life is sooooo hard;-)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hiking at 12500ft

Me, Taylor and his two volunteer host brothers from Holland went hiking this weekend. Seeing as this was my first time ever seriously hiking I had no idea what to expect, round trip we hiked 21km to 12500ft. Sleeping at this height offers some interesting side effects. First ur really light headed, then you get a headache and finally your dreams are REALLY messed up!!! i.e. James Earl Jones and I were in a battle royal tag team match and he was offering me words of wisdom during our ordeal. Imagine teaming up with Mufasa and Darth Vader, how can you lose lol Anyways I took a few pics, I hope your jealous ;-)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Life is rough on the beach

During the summer my orphans go to a camp about 20 minutes outside of Karakol. The camp is right on the beach and its AWESOME!!!! I spend three to four days out there every week just hanging out, learning Russian and swimming in the lake. As with everything there is a downside, like getting jumped on at 3AM, hearing a crying children (tears my heart everytime), and figuring out how to stop fights and disciplining them in Russian. They are always super busy either with swimming, arts and crafts, or "DiscoTeka", where they blast loud music and do little kid dances all night. I'm being kept really busy and I can't complain, life is good:-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

This is my life.....

Ugh!!!!! I left my phone in a taxi on my way back from Bishkek this weekend. The taxi driver made off with it because I realized that it was gone the moment I stepped out of the cab. The driver knew it was in his car because he promptly drove off and turned my cell phone off, meaning I couldn't call it. Thus have a new number now, if you want it just hit my email up. Buying a new cell phone stings when your on a PC budget, I think its just gonna be one of those weeks......