Thursday, February 25, 2010

From January 9th - Present

Hey guys I know its been forever since I've posted but hopefully you arent too mad lol Anyways I'll bring you up to speed on whats happened since Jan. First, I forget how the mundane things in my life are actually pretty interesting to you guys back home, hence I tried to wait until something exciting happened. Since my last post, I attended the PC Project Design and Management (PDM) conference, where I learned to design and implement grants and projects. As with most PC events we learned a lot but most of the fun came from seeing all of my friends from around KG. Unfortunately my only jacket was misplaced (stolen) at the hotel and the package that was sent from the states containing my winter coat never arrived, life sucked for about 3 days. Luckily my parents helped me out and I was able to buy a winter coat and light jacket so I wouldn't freeze to death. This winter has just been one crazy occurance after another. As most of you know my electricity situation is anything but perfect and it finally came for me to do something about it. After the umteenth time replacing my fuzes (which were from the soviet era, no lie) I man'd up bought the new replacement fuzes and did the work myself. Now I'm sure that most of you can't recognize the awesomeness of that statment. I almost died (not really but it sounds cool lol), I did get shocked three times though. I was proud of myself because I asked the guy at the hardware store how to change the fuzes and he explained them to me in russian and I was able to complete the task:-) Anyways on to other things, winter has finally broken!!!!! In the fastest change of seasons I've ever seen in my life, it went from 6-7 inches of snow on the ground to nothing in 4 days! I'm soooo happy that the weather is getting warmer. On the workout front I'm exercising like a crazy person. I'm lifing 4 times a week and I climb Sulimon Mountian everyday, trying to be like HULK for when I come home ;-) Speaking of which only 33 days til I come home to visit and man I can't wait to see my fam and friends. It will have been a full year since I've been home and boy do I have some crazy stories hehehe Mens/ Defenders of the Homeland day was on February 23rd and it awesome! Think of Fathers day but for every guy. It was really cool, my staff at High Times (where I have two English conversation clubs) bought me a Kalpak (the hat), horse whip, and the robe so that I could finally be a man in KG lol It was super fun and I can't wait til next year. :-) Lastly and I think the best news, I have started working with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) here in Osh. We specialize in Youth Development and I help write grants and design programs, its awesome and rewarding work and I love my staff there, whats better I can still work with my orphans :-) Ok, thats all I have for now, who knows when I'll post next ;-)
oh and heres a shout out for the K-18s (the newbies lol) that will be here in a month :-)
Here is the explaination of the pictures from top to bottom

1) That is Maxim and Rushana at lunchtime, my two tablemates when I eat lol

2) This is me and Suheyla on Suliemon Mountain (that was the second time for me that day lol)

3) Me and Ak-Jyldyz (which in Kyrgyz means white star, kinda pretty right?) with my robe, Kalpak and horse whip, I am now officially a man lol

4) Nazgul (which means tender flower in Kyrgyz) and Ilona, who loves to hold my hand.....always lol

5) Rushana and Valadik being goofy as always

6) Me and my Hightimes staff after Defenders of the Homeland day (such a good name for a holiday)
Anyways thats it :-)

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