Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year :-)

So New Years here is an interesting mix between our American Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July and of course New Years. I say this because there are copious amounts of food eaten, gift exchanges, fireworks, and celebration in the streets. Personally I think it gives our New Years celebration a run for its money lol Anyways from December 27th to January 3rd I hosted Peace Corps volunteers from various oblasts. We had an AWESOME week to say the least. It was nice to hang out, gripe, eat good food, gripe some more and generally just relax. Also since there were people staying at my place it was a little warmer ;-) Oh and by the way, I HATE living by myself, its so boring, but I always have people over or go and hang out somewhere else, so all in all its not that bad. Other than that there is nothing new to say, wait actually there is. I'm coming back to America!!! (to visit) In April I'm flying home to visit some grad schools, family and friends. I would call it R&R but the travel schedule that I have planned is crazy and by the end of it I'll probably be begging to come back home to KG. Anyways I hope everyone had a Happy Holidays and be on the look out for the next post :-)

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHhhhh!!! can NOT wait for the visit, we will drink soco... with TWIZLERS!
