Friday, September 25, 2009

Kind of a boring month lol

Hey sorry its been a while since I've posted but life it seems has finally started to settle lol This past month has basically been me hanging out at my orphanage getting to know my new kids and staff. I was supposed to be working on a concert but I've realized that just its a lil much right now. Unfortunately the internet cafe that I am currently using is faaaaar too slow to post pictures :-( But I am determined to find a faster cafe!!! Other than that there is a Health conference in Issyk Kul (my old region) in the middle of Octeober and because its so close to Karakol, I'm gonna stop by for a visit :-) I'm excited to see my kids, old co-workers, host family, and friends in Karakol. Its only been a month but I already miss them dearly :-( But anyways as usual I just wanted to keep you guys up on what going on with me in KG, I'm out

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