Friday, September 25, 2009

Kind of a boring month lol

Hey sorry its been a while since I've posted but life it seems has finally started to settle lol This past month has basically been me hanging out at my orphanage getting to know my new kids and staff. I was supposed to be working on a concert but I've realized that just its a lil much right now. Unfortunately the internet cafe that I am currently using is faaaaar too slow to post pictures :-( But I am determined to find a faster cafe!!! Other than that there is a Health conference in Issyk Kul (my old region) in the middle of Octeober and because its so close to Karakol, I'm gonna stop by for a visit :-) I'm excited to see my kids, old co-workers, host family, and friends in Karakol. Its only been a month but I already miss them dearly :-( But anyways as usual I just wanted to keep you guys up on what going on with me in KG, I'm out

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Move to Osh?! What?!

Sorry about the long delay, but the past few weeks have been quite hectic for me. So as the title reads I have indeed moved to Osh city, about as far away from my beloved Karakol as possible, 18 hours by car. :-( Peace Corps moved me because my orphanage was found out to be funded by a Christian organization back in the states and being in a Muslim country they thought it prudent to relocate me for safety reasons. I miss my kids immensely and I still keep in contact with my Co-workers and I hope to visit Karakol again sometime around Thanksgiving. Whew! Well now to tell you about my new site. Osh is HUGE and is just like the capital Biskek in terms of size and population. (as a matter of fact its the second largest city in KG and is 3000 years old!) Climate wise Osh gets to 115 degrees in the summer and single digits in the winter....yay :-/ My new orphanage is pretty awesome too. Its a combination of orphanage and elderly home. Its a neat concept because both the elderly and the children help each other out, its pretty amazing to witness. I will be doing the same things here as I did in Karakol, ie teaching health, sports and english, and on October first we are putting on a concert to celebrate the Fall season. :-) I have fewer kids here, only 33, but I am super excited to work with the elderly as well whom number 26, so 59 total. The orphanage/Elderly home is situated on an old soviet sanitorium for children. I know sanitorium sounds ominous but its actually a really pretty place with apple and pear trees everywhere. I'm really excited to start working and teaching here. Well thats all I got for today, I just wanted to give a lil shout out for OSU today, they're playin the Trojans and I really wish I could see the game so GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and for those of u familiar with OBO and such, the quest for cut city as resumed ;-)