Saturday, April 18, 2009

Twice in 3 weeks lol

Heyo all! :-) As of Thursday it has been three weeks since I left home. Everything here is still going weel and I am integrating into my community very well. It is far colder here than I expected, and it snowed two days ago!!! I sleep in layers every night, but I still love it every minute. First of all let me start off with my new favorite thing here, Banya. (pronounced BAAN-YA) This is how I bathe every week. Yup I get a bath once a week here, which means as of this post I have only bathed twice. (one is scheduled for tomorrow though don't worry) Although I know it sounds really gross, its really not that bad. Plus, Banyas are amazing, I really wish that we had them in the US. A banya is essentially a sauna where you have a cistern of hot water and a cistern of cold water. You mix the two together in a seperate container to however you like it then wash yourself with that water. The heat is very nice and relaxing and it really opens your pores. In all honesty I have never felt so clean as I have after a banya. Me and my host mother recently have come to an understanding. Instead of eating tons and tons of meat at every meal she now makes me a special veggie version which makes me and my stomach smile. Fortunately I have not gotten sick yet, and I still feel strong as an Ox. As for my typical day with the Peace Corps, its very busy. It starts at 8am with language lessons until 230pm. After that we have cross-culture sessions, then we are finished around 6pm. Wednesdays are hub days, and Thursdays are tech days. During these days we learn about PC policy and technical skills about the health promotion unit. During our tech days recently though, we have been touring the local health facilities and interviewing health professionals. This has been very interesting and helpful in understanding the need for health promotion volunteers to be here. The main health problems, at least in Dmitrievka deal with cardio-vascular problems, anemia, iodine deficiency, poor nutrition and youth development. On Tuesday I had my placement interview which will determine where I will end up in kyrgyzstan for the next two years. There is a placement craze among my fellow K-17s and many people are anxious to find out where they will be going. Personally, I don't really care, I know that I will enjoy and be successful wherever the PC places me. So far going with the flow hasn't led me astray and I don't think that I will, so thats what I'm doing. Anyways tomorrow I have scheduled a massive soccer game with the locals and the other PCTs (Peace Corps Trainees)which I am super excited about and I think will integrate our different communities. Ah well I'm out of things to write about, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, I'm just an email away. Miss and love you all:-)


  1. It sounds like everything is really coming along well over there...I must admit though, that I'm glad that I continued reading after the part about the banya b/c immediatly following was something about the host mother and your coming to an understanding, and I was like whoa...maybe they're banyaing together...what a relief to find it was only about your vegetarianism, whew that was a close one lol...Hope you're staying happy and healthy and at least you don't have to worry about Swine Flu!
    p.s. You're on their turf now, It's Futbol holmes...
